LCASE, or LOWER LCASE ( p.description) Returns a character string in which all alphabetical characters in the input value have been converted to lowercase. LCASE或LOWERLCASE(p.description)返回一个字符串,其中输入值中的所有字母字符都转换为小写。
By default, the input value is "/ form/ owner. jsp", which means the JSP file is put in the" easyStruts/ form "folder. 默认情况下,输入的值是“/form/owner.jsp”,这意味着JSP文件被放在“easyStruts/form”文件夹中。
We need to specify which function should be used to generate the index entries from the given input value. 我们需要指定应该使用哪个函数来根据给定的输入值生成索引条目。
RTRIM RTRIM ( p.description) Returns a character string in which all spaces at the end of the input value have been removed. RTRIMRTRIM(p.description)返回一个字符串,其中输入值结尾处的所有空格都被移除。
You have to clear the variable, otherwise the variable is filled with the last input value and further selections will be invalid. 必须清空这个变量,否则这个变量仍然包含上一次的输入值,进一步的选择就是无效的。
LENGTH LENGTH ( p.description) Returns the number of characters in the input value. LENGTHLENGTH(p.description)返回输入值中的字符数。
Each event handler receives an index as input value. 每个事件处理程序都会接收到一个索引作为输入值。
This timestamp column is maintained by default by the database manager, but a user-provided input value is also accepted. 该时间戳列默认情况下由数据库管理器维护,但是也接受用户提供的输入值。
If the input value is true, the code groups in the upper part of the control structure execute. 如果输入值为True,则执行控制结构上部的代码组。
The first input value should be text ( for example, 1000) from cid, and the second input value should be text from custid. 第一个输入值应该是来自cid的值(例如1000),第二个输入值应该是来自custid的值。
Provide input examples in the description if the input value is not obvious. 如果输入值不显示,则在描述中提供输入示例。
On the results page, click on the Result tab, then click the appropriate Simple Toggle Panel item to see the input value. 在结果页面上,单击Result选项卡,然后单击适当的SimpleTogglePanel条目,以查看输入值。
Select an input value from that the predefined values. 从预定义的值中选择一个输入值。
The input value can be a simple expression or be a value computed by another node. 该输入值可以是一个简单表达式,或者是由另一节点计算的一个值。
GetJSONDocumentByKey uses a key value to post a getDocumentByKey to the service to retrieve a single JSON record with the primary key matching the input value. getJSONDocumentByKey使用一个键值向此服务发布一个getDocumentByKey来检索主键与这个输入值相匹配的一个JSON记录。
This example demonstrates how the function can be used to produce different output values conditional on whether an input value can be validated as a member of a pre-defined series of allowed values. 这个示例演示如何使用这个函数检查输入值是否是预定义的允许值序列的成员,然后根据结果产生不同的输出值。
This is because hashing an input value converts it into a new value that is mathematically impossible to undo to produce the original value. 这是因为散列可以将输入值转化为新的值,而这些新值不能从数学上逆向生成原始值。
An input value of40, for example, will correspond to a low-medium fade style, whereas a value of80 or greater will correspond to the most opaque fade setting. 例如,输入值40将对应中低衰减样式,而大于等于80的值将对应最不透明的衰减设置。
Scalar functions operate against a single value, and return a single value based on the input value. 数量函数可以处理单个值,并基于该值返回。
The changes in orbit can detect the changes in input value is analyzed. 本系统反过来分析轨道的变化,便可测出输入数值的变化。
Leading and trailing spaces of the input value are removed before validation. 在验证之前,输入值的首尾空格都将被删除。
Input value for { 0} was not in correct format. {0}的输入值没有使用正确格式。
The input value% 1 is greater than the maximum value of% 2. Enter a lower value and try again. 输入值%1大于%2的最大值。请输入小一点的值后再试一次。
The BP neural network is introduced in direct inversion with measured data of flow as input value and river roughness as output value. 基于数据挖掘的思想,本文提出一种新的河网糙率直接反演方法。
Overall, this a very nice and compact way of converting the input value. 这个转换输入值的方法很好并且也很轻巧。
The basic idea of calculating capital by present value is to take the future cash amount from the capital as the income, deduct the profit level standing for the rate of discount, take input value ( capital) as the asset value. 资产用现值计价的基本思路,就是将资产所带来的未来现金流入量作为收入,从中扣除贴现率代表的利润水平,以投入价值(本金)作为资产的价值。
Secondly, an vibration model and fuzzy interpolation controller are established, fuzzing the input value and the output value, and builds the control rules and the look-up chart. 其次,在论文中建立了汽车筒式减振器的振动模型和模糊插值控制器,对输入量和输出量进行了模糊化,建立了模糊控制规则与模糊查询表。
Therefore, for enterprises which find themselves in fierce market competition, it is vital how to correctly measure the input value and the output value of invisible assets, and it is vital how to choose the right method for measurement. 因此,对于在激烈市场竞争中的企业来说,如何对无形资产的投入价值和产出价值进行正确的计量,选择正确的计量方法是非常重要的。
Adding momentum item while correcting weight and limiting range of input value reduce error and improve diagnosis correctness greatly. 并针对其本身存在的一些缺点提出了一系列改进措施,通过在修正权值的时候增加动量项,并且限制输入值范围来减小误差、提高系统的诊断正确率;